Valledomo Paradise 2023 – Living the transition
Palermo University, Italy | Vienna University of Technology, Austria
CAMPUS_Asia Plus::SUAE_Asia Program is an intensive international academic exchange program between universities in Asia as the platform for dual degrees between the Architecture Department of Kyushu University(KYU), Tongji University(TJU), and Pusan National University (PNU).
This collaboration aims to enhance the education of urban and architectural environments by developing knowledge and skill to achieve sustainable cities and buildings in Asia. The program is also a Korea UNESCO ESD (Education for Sustainable Development)’s Official Project assigned by the Korean National Commission of UNESCO.
CAMPUS_Asia Plus::SUAE_Asia Program currently extends the platform covering Asian countries, focusing on present urban and architectural issues and enlarging educational opportunities to promote resiliency and sustainability in architectural design. It also promotes accessibility and inclusive urban design and development, which are being ardently addressed in UNESCO events, outcomes, and publications.
The world demands greater cooperation and diversity. Therefore, society, cities, and people need to be adequately responsive to the direction of how the world is moving. Through a wide range of activities, such as Summer and winter school design workshops, CAMPUS_Asia Plus::SUAE_Asia Program promotes opportunities for exploring adequately responsive alternatives to the existing urban and architectural environment through cooperative cooperation between students from various countries.